Iodomethane CAS 74-88-4 Reagent
Iodomethane CAS 74-88-4 Reagent
Iodomethane CAS 74-88-4 Reagent
Iodomethane CAS 74-88-4 Reagent
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Iodomethane CAS 74-88-4 Reagent

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Product details

Iodomethane Usage and Synthesis:

Iodomethane is miscible with common organic solvents, slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and ether, colorless and odorless in pure form, purplish when exposed to sunlight and decomposed by I2. It can be removed by adding copper metal. Iodomethane is present in small amounts in rice fields. Iodomethane is a common methylation reagent used in organic synthesis. Iodomethane is a commonly used methylation reagent in organic synthesis. Iodomethane is a common methylation reagent used in organic synthesis. Iodomethane is an ideal substrate for SN2 substitution reactions because, on the one hand, it is easy for nucleophilic reagents to attack due to its small site blocking effect; on the other hand, iodide ions are good leaving groups. is a good leaving group. Iodomethane is a common methylation reagent with dimethyl carbonate, dimethyl sulfate, and methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate.

Iodomethane Liquid

Pharmacokinetics of Iodomethane:

Iodomethane is a common methylation reagent along with dimethyl carbonate, dimethyl sulfate, and methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, and according to the soft and hard acid-base theory, iodine is the "soft" anion. Therefore, the methylation reactions involving iodomethane should also take place in the "softer" section of the two nucleophiles. For example, in the reaction with the thiocyanate ion, S Iodomethane can also from the reaction of dimethyl sulfate with potassium iodide in the presence of calcium carbonate: (CH3O)2SO2 + KI → K2SO4 + 2 CH3I The reaction product is first distilled and then treated with Na2S2O3, water and Na2CO3 solution, then pure iodomethane is obtained.


Clinical Application of Iodomethane:

Iodomethane is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of iodomethionine (vitamin U), analgesics, and antidote phosphorus enemy drugs, and in organic synthesis as a methylation reagent and fire extinguishing agent. It is mainly used as a methylation reagent in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of iodomethyl methionine (vitamin U), analgesics, and antidote phosphate system drugs. It can also be used as methylation reagent. Used as a fungicide, herbicide, insecticide or nematicide and component of fire extinguishers, as a soil disinfectant, as a substitute for bromoform (banned by the Montreal Convention) Due to its refractive index, iodomethane is also used in microscopy.

Iodomethane Package

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