Pirimiphos-methyl CAS 29232-93-7
Pirimiphos-methyl CAS 29232-93-7
Pirimiphos-methyl CAS 29232-93-7
Pirimiphos-methyl CAS 29232-93-7
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Pirimiphos-methyl CAS 29232-93-7

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Pirimiphos-methyl Usage and Synthesis:

Pirimiphos-methyl is a yellow liquid, soluble in most organic solvents, solubility in water is about 5mg/L. It is easily hydrolyzed in strong acid and alkaline media, unstable to light. It has a half-life of about 3 d in the soil. Methyl pyrimidinophos and other organophosphates, like acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It has touch, stomach poisoning, fumigation and certain The principle of its insecticidal action is to cause the accumulation of acetylcholine in the body of grain storage pests, so that the cholinergic nerve impulses continue to die, and at the same time, because it has a residual effect of It also has the effect of continuous protection because of its long residual effect period.


Pharmacokinetics of Pirimiphos-methyl:

Synthesis of Pirimiphos-methyl. Add 0.10 mol of hydroxypyrimidine, then add 70 mL of ethyl acetate solvent, stir, then add acid binding agent anhydrous K2CO2 according to the ratio, reflux 1h, cool down to 45-50℃, add a certain proportion of methyl chloride dropwise, raise the temperature to reflux temperature after dropwise, reflux reaction for 6-10h, cool down and filter, discard the filter cake, the mother liquor is desolvated (recover and reuse), you can get yellow methyl pyrimidine phosphorus crude oil. It has no irritating effect on skin and eyes. The 90-d feeding test in rats was performed at a dose of 8 mg/kg feed. This is equivalent to 0.4 methanol/wheat per day. No carcinogenic, teratogenic or mutagenic effects were observed in animal tests. No abnormalities were found in the three-generation reproduction test.


Clinical Application of Pirimiphos-methyl:

Pirimiphos-methyl is a broad-spectrum insecticide with rapid action, strong penetration, touch, stomach poisoning and fumigation. It is mainly used for storage pests and sanitary pests. Insects. If at room temperature of 30℃ and relative humidity of 50%, the effect can reach 45-70 weeks. Spraying sacks with pharmaceuticals, the grain inside the sacks will not be affected by the sawed grain robbers, rice weevils, rice borers, pink spot borers, etc. for several months. grain borer, pink spotted borer, etc.; if the sack is treated with impregnation method, it is valid for a longer period. Can be used as an alternative to highly toxic organophosphorus pesticides. Organophosphorus insecticide, can be widely used Organophosphorus insecticide, can be widely used in storage, home health, crop pest control, fast-acting, broad-spectrum insecticide, acaricide. For grain storage beetles, weevils, moths and mites have good It is effective for grain storage beetles, weevils, moths and mites. It can also control warehouse pests, household and public health pests.

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